
Friday, October 9, 2015

CHAPTER 3: Initial Statement from Brutus the Bartender

(Detective's Note: I only got a few moments with Brutus, but he did give me some interesting information-- he knew every single one of the people in that photograph). I will finish the interview when all the mystery writers at this place aren't clogging the bar).


"Absolutely not a single one of those people is ever allowed in this bar again!

That Fran Helsing character kept crawling under tables and scaring my customers. Ray Vuss Wordum stole my favorite lampshade and put a mustache on it. Payton Olliver's hands were covered in super-sticky shaving cream from some freaky art project -- everything at her table was covered in it. And Helen Bvtt... Brrt... Bvck... Oh heck, whatever her last name is, she stiffed me on a $27.82 dollar tab because she couldn't sign her own name to the credit card receipt. And that Reavis guy spilled his liquor everywhere and didn't clean it up. No, I don't care if he's dead, that's no excuse.
Note: Shaving cream all over the glass at Payton Olliver's table.

I don't have time to talk right now -- I've got to get back to polishing glasses, especially the ones that Payton Olliver handled, because this stuff is NOT coming off easily -- but if I were you, I'd talk to that creepy stalker chick first. Fran Helsing."



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